In the midst of this season filled with both story and giving, it’s time to share ours again with a plea.
This 2019 request and our new website come to you designed by a 2018 Family Promise resident, who created it “in thanks for the services our family received from this organization.” A Culture of Giving sustains us.
Family Promise is the only Emergency Shelter and Rapid Rehousing Referral Center in Delaware County and the region. Housing is identified as the number one community barrier - locally and globally. In September we had 408 Shelter Nights Stays. In October 353. In November 530. Infants, children, teens, moms, dads, pregnant moms to grandparents – all temporarily experiencing homelessness in Delaware, Ohio.
Our collective efforts are demanded now more than ever before. When you give, your resources are linked with the generosity of grant funders like United Way of Delaware County, the Delaware County Foundation, the State of Ohio, SourcePoint, Choose Kind, and William Street Foundation, among others.
As hard as we all are working to generate funding to match and magnify your gifts, their continues to remain a gap. We are at a critical point where new ventures are required of us to truly bring about change. To continue meeting the emergency shelter demands of our community, plan for more affordable housing options, and pilot a new after care program to support long-term success, our finances must continue to grow.
A culture of giving is truly what sustains us. We kindly ask you to consider making a financial gift/commitment for 2020.